Imagine McGregor
Restoration & Cleanup
Sunrise Rotarians Planting Native Shrubs
Natural Restoration
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) in partnership with Chatham Sunrise Rotary Club is targeting the McGregor Creek for natural restoration projects. Under the banner of Imagine McGregor, we look for partners to increase the riparian zones (or the area between land and a stream), restore wetlands, plant native tall grass prairies and trees as well as conduct river cleanup activities. These projects promise positive watershed improvements resulting in improved water flow and quality. On May 10, 2021 the Chatham Sunrise Rotary Club, along with LTVCA staff, planted Nannyberry and Bladdernut shrubs along the creek as an initial restoration project.
Restoration Technician leading evening community consultation event
Restoration Technician
The Conservation Authority is also partnering with Ducks Unlimited Canada and have hired an Imagine McGregor Wetland Restoration Technician to achieve goals of restoring wetlands, planting native tall grass prairies & trees as well as encouraging the use of cover crops and grassed buffer trips. A first step towards detailed plans included several community consultations.
Shore waiting for cleanup
River Cleanup- Septmber 25, 2021
Imagine McGregor partners want to engage the community and get people invested in the health of their local creek and involve them in restoring it. To help do this, 2 river cleanup events are planned for the 2021-2022. Imagine McGregor partners first river cleanup event "CK Paddle & Clean-Thames River and McGregor Creek" is planned for September 25th starting at 10am and going to 4pm. The meeting and garbage collection place will be Thames Grove Conservation Area, located at 34 Kingsway Drive in Chatham. We are asking people to bring kayaks or canoes, and the appropriate paddles, or people can help collect on shore. Everyone will need to have proper safety gear to participate, bailers for the boats and life jackets. Watch this area for more information about event T-shirts, team competition to see who can collect the most garbage and many other details.