The way we think about and behave with regards to water resources must change.
Residential owners can increase efforts to
· reduce the amount of water entering the storm and sewer system by using rain barrels, allowing some rainfall water to permeate yards and gardens and using low flow household fixtures
· do not pour anything down a storm drain: recognize that anything entering a storm sewer goes directly to a stream and ultimately to a source of drinking water
· limit fertilizer use and dispose of all waste in an approved manner
Institutions and Industries can increase efforts to
· collect and utilize rain water
· use environmentally friendly cleaning products
· incorporate green infrastructure in roofs and parking lots
Farmers and Land owners can increase efforts to
· reduce the amount of water runoff and the soil erosion
· use cover crops and conservation or no-till practices
· plant wind breaks, cover crops and buffer strips
· use 4R Nutrient Stewardship
Municipalities can increase efforts to
· separate sewage and storm water to avoid "sewage releases" during heavy rainfall
· invest in green infrastructure, permeated spaces, wetlands
· sweep streets to eliminate contaminants from entering storm sewers